Frequently Asked Questions
Chiropractic is the most popular form of natural health care in the world. Chiropractic is a conservative approach, which concentrates on maximizing the function of the whole body without the use of drugs or surgery. Chiropractic gets to the cause of a health problem, rather than just treating the symptoms.
How does chiropractic work?
Have you ever had a pebble in your shoe? A tiny pebble, because of its constant irritation of a nerve, can drive you crazy. At first it feels like pressure, then an irritation, and finally, pain.
So what did you do about the pebble? You removed your shoe and took it out, right?
If someone else had a pebble in their shoe and told you they were taking medication for the pebble irritation, that would be ridiculous, wouldn’t it? It is not logical to treat a physical problem with a chemical solution! If they performed surgery on their foot for pebble irritation, that would be extreme, wouldn’t it?
The correct thing to do would be to remove the pebble from the shoe. It’s a physical problem causing the irritation. That’s what a chiropractor does.
Chiropractors are nerve doctors. They treat your nerves without drugs and surgery. They are trained to locate tiny areas of irritation to your nerves and remove them safely and painlessly. By removing irritation, chiropractic allows your body to heal itself.

Do chiropractors only treat the back?
No. A chiropractor would most frequently treat “muscular-skeletal” complaints. That is, they treat the spine as well as all the muscles and joints in your body. Many people receive care for sore backs and necks, pulled muscles, ankle sprains, headaches, whiplash injuries and repetitive stress injuries like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or elbow tendonitis.
To many patients' surprise, they begin treatment for problems like these, but end up finding relief from other conditions such as asthma, allergies, digestive disorders, sleep disorders, and fatigue conditions because their nervous system becomes “tuned-up” as the nerve irritation is relieved. Please see the section on Conditions Treated for some of the more common chiropractic complaints or call for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Frederick
What is a subluxation?
A subluxation is when one or more of the bones in your spine move out of place and create pressure on spinal nerves.
A spine is composed of twenty-four moveable bones called vertebrae, and each shaped like a ring. These vertebrae are stacked one on top of another, forming a vertical tunnel. The spinal cord is suspended from the brain and extends down through the tunnel formed by vertebrae. Smaller nerves lead from the spinal cord through openings between the vertebrae, called foramen. Each nerve goes to and controls a specific area of the body. When the spinal column is in proper alignment, the nerves pass unimpeded through the foramen. Because, when one or more vertebrae become misaligned, the nerve is impinged (pinched), and normal nerve function is cut off to the parts of the body served by that nerve. Sometimes misaligned vertebrae correct themselves. Most subluxations, however, need chiropractic care for correction.
What is an adjustment?
A spinal adjustment is a precise placement of the vertebra into its correct position, by applying gentle pressure to the bone and “unlocking” it from its improper position. The bone is then free to align itself correctly.
Is an adjustment painful?
Although each patient reacts differently, the procedure is rarely painful. It can cause a variety of reactions from temporary soreness (like the first time you do a new exercise) to a sense of relief and well-being.
How are chiropractors trained?
Chiropractic training includes more than five years of courses in anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnoses, laboratory, and nutrition. In addition to their academic training, a chiropractor also participates in an intensive post-graduate internship program.\
How long can I expect to be under chiropractic care?
How long and how often you see a chiropractor will depend on several factors: your age, physical condition, previous history of accidents or surgeries, occupational requirements, and how well you adhere to our treatment program. Pain relief usually happens quickly (within a month), though stabilizing your condition may take longer; this will be discussed with you before you start treatment.
Can chiropractic help sports injuries?
Chiropractic care for sports-related injuries has become increasingly popular. Spinal injuries can restrict range of motion, reduce strength, slow reflexes, shorten endurance, and decrease performance. Professional sports teams, Olympic trainers, and competitive athletes are turning to chiropractic care – because they demand results.
Does insurance cover chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care is covered by most insurance plans in the State of Washington. Chiropractic care is specifically covered in cases of motor vehicle injury by Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or 3rd party coverage, and for occupational “on-the-job” injuries.
We are Preferred Providers for most health insurance companies. That means you will only be responsible for your co-pay and/or deductible (up to your plan's limits, should there be any). If you’re not sure if you have chiropractic benefits, give us a call and we will check for you.
Which techniques do you use?
A chiropractic technique is a system of analysis and correction; it is how a chiropractor finds what is wrong and how he fixes it. The following techniques are used in our office: Diversified, Extremity Adjusting, Flexion Distraction, Thompson Drops, and Activator.

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